Learning and Knowing Class 2
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Product Description
MTG’s Learning & Knowing for Smarter Life is a graded series of knowledge books for class 1 to 8. This series is designed to excite the young mind and make them more confident and proficient learner in this changing world. This series has been developed to impart knowledge and exposes the students to vast prospects of cultural values, self-awareness and scientific aptitude. Each book of this series will give the learner a better approach of the things happening around the globe with their matching standard.
The key features of the series include the following:
Comprehensive content which gives a clear insight into various sections as per the grade level.
“Did You Know?” section which includes interesting information related to the less known facts.
“Find Out” section encourage the learning curiosity among the students.
“Hint Box” provides hints and facilitates the problem solving skills of the students.
“Puzzle” part to enhance the analytical skills of the student and help them in thinking out of the box.
“Quiz Time” to assess the knowledge gained.
- Mother Nature
- Large Mammals
- Small Mammals
- Birds
- Reptiles and Amphibians
- Water Animals
- Insect World
- Fruits
- Flowers
- My Surroundings
- People Around Us
- Things We Use
- Places of Worship
- Road Signs
- Pollution
- Being Eco-friendly
- Number Skills
- Reading the Clock
- Solve
- How Many? Which Date?
- Science and Technology
- Gadgets
- Internal Organs
- Our Solar System
- Healthy Habits
- Sense Organs
- Sources of Energy
- Sports
- Name the Game
- Who is Who?
- Do You Know Me?
- Connect
- Games and Tournaments
- Entertainment
- Cartoon World
- World of Bollywood
- World of Hollywood
- The Small Screen
- Famous People
- India, My Country
- Capital Cities
- Monuments
- Festivals of India
- Languages of India
- Uttarakhand - The Land of Gods
- Our Food
- Traditional Dresses of India
- Language and Literature
- The Hare and The Tortoise
- The Old Man and His Quarrelling Sons
- Action Puzzle
- Opposites
- Communication
- Let's Be Courteous
- Superlatives
- Noun Game
- Musical Notes
- Musical Instruments
- My World
- Famous People
- Flags of Nations
- Our Earth
- Currencies of the World
- Logic
- Thinking Cap
- Drawing Time
- Colour the Picture
- Life Skills
- Emotional Intelligence
- Happenings Around Us
- Quiz Time 1
- Quiz Time 2
- Quiz Time 3
- Quiz Time 4
- Quiz Time 5
- Answers
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